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Room Parents

Serve as the primary liaison between the teacher and the students' families!

Are you cut out to be a Room Parent??


Whether you work outside the home or are a stay-at-home parent, and even if you fear not having the time to dedicate to this role, we promise it’s worth it!

This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know and support your child's teacher in ways that they will greatly appreciate and helps to make the school year run as smoothly as possible. As the primary liaison between the teacher and the student's families, Room Parents initiate and promote the fluid school-to-home relationship on which McAlpine prides itself!  


Sign up here!      

Your Role:

1. Help bring the FUN to your child’s classroom!

2. Serve as a liaison between the teacher and the parents to help keep open communication.
3. Pass along important school or PTO announcements to parents within 24 hours of receipt from the PTO or Room Parent Coordinator.
4. Create a class directory of contact information for parents/guardians.
5. Help celebrate teacher birthdays or other important special events by notifying the class of the date and sharing a Teacher "Favorite Things" list (provided by the PTO).
6. Encourage class participation in school-wide events and PTO-directed Teacher Appreciation Week activities.
7. Coordinate materials and organize activities for classroom celebrations throughout the year.

What you need for the Job:

1. You MUST be an approved CMS Volunteer by signing up here!
2. Have a computer and the ability to email parents, including creating a SignUpGenius.
3. Have the ability and desire to communicate clearly and timely with parents via email.

4. Find a friend who can work beside you! Having more than one Room Parent will help to share the workload and collaborate ideas. (Please note: Room Parents may only serve in one classroom per school year.)

5. Willingness to provide some time! It takes a village to help make our classrooms and special events run smoothly and McAlpine needs your help!

Thank you for supporting your child's McAlpine teacher!

2024-2025 Room Parent Quicklinks

Room Parent Guide
Reimbursement check for Room Parent supply purchases

Introduction to Parents Email Template

Class Directory Template

Room Parent Reimbursement Request Form

2024-2025  Room Parent SignUpGenius

Favorite Things Documents

2024-2025 Favorite Things Form

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