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Media Center Makerspace

Check out our Makerspace program!

Mrs. Lockso is excited to announce that we are starting Makerspaces in the Media Center. Makerspaces provide hands-on learning, creativity, collaboration, tinkering, curiosity, creating, and imagination. It is the perfect time for students to work together to create something new in a student-centered learning experience with a STEAM focus.

We are beginning with the basics and looking to grow our Makerspaces every year. This year we will start with art, crafts, and building/engineering. We will have a builder space, art space, craft space, and puzzle space.

The PTO has purchased several different levels of builder kits, Legos, and K'nex for students to use! They are going to have fun creating and problem-solving!

Call for donation

We accept any of the following items below. You can send them with your students and have them stop by the Media Center or you can leave items in the office and Mrs. Lockso will pick them up. Big or small, a box or a Ziploc baggie, your donation helps! Thank you from Mrs. Lockso and all of our students!

Arts & Crafts Items

Building & Engineering Items

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