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McAlpine Houses

All students become a member of one of the four McAlpine ‘Houses’ at the start of their first year at McAlpine.

McAlpine Houses

All students are selected as a member of one of the four McAlpine "Houses" at the start of their first year at McAlpine. Each house has students from all grades in it. The houses work as teams and families throughout the year, trying to gain points by following rules and showing strong character. The house with the most points at the end of each quarter will be awarded the "House Cup." The house model increases student accountability as each child’s personal success is transformed into the collective achievement of a shared goal.

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The Mighty McAlpine Eagle

There once lived a great and mighty eagle that soared through the sky and watched over all the animals of the land and the sea. The eagle was the wisest of all the animals, as he saw them and learned from their mistakes as well as their strengths. From the lions he learned leadership, from the ants: teamwork, the dogs: friendship, the sloths: patience, the elephants: loyalty, the penguins: perseverance, and, from the albatrosses, he learned love.

Then, one day, the eagle discovered an abandoned nest upon a cliff. In the nest, lay four golden eggs, unlike any he had seen before. The eagle watched over the eggs, day and night, for weeks until finally, they began to hatch. He stood, astonished, as four strong eaglets emerged. Immediately, an obligation weighed on the wise eagle’s heart. Understanding he wouldn’t live forever, he knew he must pass on all he had learned to the eaglets so that one day they could watch over Earth's creatures. He named the eaglets and taught them each to be a leader in their own rite. He instilled in each of them one trait of spirit and character that, when united, would make their might infinite.

To Fadhila, he taught virtue. Fadhila led with moral excellence. He showed ethic to all he ruled, persevered until excellence was achieved, and was brave in his ambition to encourage others to strive for greatness.

To Hashiki, he taught passion. Hashiki lived life to the fullest, never holding onto regrets. He encouraged those he met to lead with an intense fire in their hearts, and to put all of themselves into work that they felt was truly important.

He taught Ruya to dream. Ruya led life by the motto "no dream is too big." His creativity was infectious to those he met, and he spent his life encouraging others to makes their dreams a reality, no matter how grand.

To Heshima, he taught honor. Heshima led with respect for all creatures, and the courage to stand up for what he believed in. He spent his life lifting up the spirits of those he met along the way, and encouraging them to reach their fullest potential.

Now, the eagles rule over the four corners of the earth. The strength of each is immense, but together what they achieve is limitless and their hearts know no boundaries.

Additional information about the McAlpine Houses

Fadhila led with moral excellence.  He showed ethic to all he ruled, persevered until excellence was achieved, and was brave in his ambition to encourage others to strive for greatness.

Heshima led with respect for all creatures, and the courage to stand up for what he believed in. He spent his life lifting up the spirits.

Hashiki lived life to the fullest, never holding onto regrets. He encouraged those he met to lead with an intense fire in their hearts, and to put all of themselves into work that they felt was truly important.

Ruya to dream. Ruya led life by the motto "no dream is too big."  His creativity was infectious to those he met, and he spent his life encouraging others to makes their dreams a reality, no matter how grand.

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